CMA Bookstore
Coming Soon... FINDING MY VOICE...

Our Latest Literary project will soon be available in E-Book Format. FINDING MY VOICE... READY, SET... AWESOMENESS!!!
This book is best used when you want to take that walk into the UNKNOWN UNIVERSE that we tend to walk around and not through... It is called SELF!!! It gives you the courage to open both eyes and clear your throat to be used for the purpose intended.
Use this creation to affirm your "YOU." It will be our personal chat intended to create or expand the galaxy in which you live. Most important, it reaffirms that you are in the words of Maya Angelou... "A Phenomenal Woman," you may just not have taken full ownership of it yet.
FINDING OUR VOICE ... MY UNIVERSE HAS AWAKENED lays the foundation for you to realize your own sense of Fabulous that is just waiting for you to say... "Hello."
Forward by Simon T. Bailey, author of Release Your Brilliance
"In the preface of this book of 'Isms," author Gail Birks writes that she merely wants to share some of the ideas and principles that shaped her. But this delightful collections of quotes and asides, beautifully and movingly illustrated by George Gadson, does much more. As a poetic ode to joy- the joy of living life to the very fullest- it causes us to smile at the same time that it causes us to consider the gyroscope and the direction of our own lives. With dexterous simplicity, Gail takes us on a pleasant journey at the end of which we find that something deep within us perhaps our deepest longing as human beings, has been stirred to life once again. And once again we find ourselves at a beginning."

"... Whether you are an entrepreneur or working for an organization in a sales capacity, When Dreamers Do It... The Profits COME will has something for everyone that sparks an idea, confirms a strategy or adds to an approach being facilitated to close a sale.
If you are new to sales or entrepreneurship, it might just give you the start needed to strive for that brass ring previously thought to be unreachable in your marketing activities."
A comprehensive guide for results oriented professionals and entrepreneurs

"...No importa si usted es un empresario o si trabaja como agente de ventas de una organización, Las ganancias vienen cuando los soñadores actúan tiene algo para todos.
Podrá encontrar ideas, confirmar estrategias o añadir elementos a los criterios facilitados para cerrar una venta."
Este libro es una obra de ficción. Los lugares, hechos y situaciones que figuran en este relato son puramente ficticios. Cualquier parecido con personas reales, vivas o muertas, es coincidencia.