Media Products and
Other Services

Our team has taken great care to make sure that you can access us anywhere, anytime and any place. In keeping with the ever-changing client tastebuds, we offer our media products range from live interactive webinars to archived radio shows to self-directed sessions and audio/visual formats. You can download and enjoy the excursions at your leisure.
Click on the link below the images to visit our multi media excursions.

SPEAKING ENGAGEMENTS AND KEYNOTES... Our Founder, Gail Birks is a featured Workshop Facilitator and Panelist, Moderator and keynote speaker. She has been invited to speak at women's industry groups, leadership conferences, corporate and government retreats,
She has developed a reputation for being engaging while bringing edu-tainment to her audiences. Common feedback is that not only does she keep it real, but brings humor to her messages that keeps her audiences hooked.
CMA Podcast is our voice to the universe. Join us in our Chatroom as we share the "Unwritten Rules of the Game", "Find Our Voices as Women in Leadership" and "Lean our Organizations for Sustainable Success."

CMA Webinars are your mini- and full excursions for Professionals on the GO!!! Learn more...
CMA Bookstore is our way of letting you into our thoughts of how we focus on sustainable success. Join us for a "THOUGHT SESSION" REAL SOON.
Learn more...